Thursday, March 23, 2006

Kansas to let nuclear plant guards "shoot to kill"

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius signed a bill on Wednesday authorizing security guards to shoot to kill to protect the state's lone nuclear power plant.
"There's no doubt that nuclear facilities are a potential target for terrorists," said Sebelius in a press statement. "Kansas has one nuclear plant, Wolf Creek, and we must make sure it's properly protected. Allowing guards to use deadly force in certain circumstances increases the security of the plant, and of our state," said Sebelius.
The law is called the "Nuclear Generating Facility Security Guard Act."
Texas and Arizona have similar laws and the Kansas measure grew out of the legislature's joint committee on campus security, according to the Kansas governor's office.
The Wolf Creek nuclear power station generates 1,200 megawatts of electricity, which can power about 1 million homes.
A spokesman at the governor's office was not able to say whether there had been attacks on the Wolf Creek plant since it began operation in 1985 in Burlington in Coffey County, about 100 miles southwest of Kansas City.


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  4. What is this world coming to? You know, in my 16 years of nuclear power, I can honestly say it was a very gratifying experience for me. We actually focused on helping people in a positive environment and taught them new skills so they could be a better nuclear power plant worker. Now we have authorizations about "shooting to kill." What do you think that will do for the conscious mind of the worker who is thinking about starting a career in nuclear power. You know, the government should just leave some things unsaid. I have to say, I am very pleased that I left nuclear power 2 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed my time in the industry and topped out as the RPM. However, since 2005 I've been assisting people in turning their annual income into their monthly incomes. Now that is extremely gratifying and I don't have to worry about getting shot!


  5. Looks like your blog got a bit spammed. That's no good.

    I wanted to share that The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is circulating an Appeal to the Next US President, calling for US leadership for a nuclear weapons-free world.

    You can read it and sign online at

  6. Not related to the article... why is all this junk posted? Stop spamming this blog. You'll ruin it for those of us who have something legitimate to say...

    Anyways, I find it unfortunate that we live in a time when such measure need to be taken to protect these facilities. Hopefully no innocent people who inadvertently wander onto the site get killed.

    - Nathan
